Kedy a kde?
Vo štvrtok 29.11.2012 od 8:30 do 11:00 - Praha 8 Karlín, Restaurant Amfora, Sokolovská 71 (metro Křižíkova)
Cena: 600 Kč vrátane DPH
Janet vedie v Prahe workshop o agilnom testovaní. Viac informácií nájdete TU.
We invite to to agile breakfast with Janet Gregory, co-author of the bestseller Agile Testing. Come to have great breakfast! Come to join discussion about testing issues on agile projects. Bring your book together and gain your personal wishing!
When and where?
On Thursday 29.11.2012 from 8:30 till 11:00 - Praha Karlin, Restaurant Amfora, Sokolovska 71 (metro Krizikova)
Price: 600 CZK including VAT
Janet will carry workshop in Prague about agile testing. More information can be found HERE.
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