“Hello Agile Fans!”
We would like to thank you for your interest and your participation in Agilia group events and visiting and reading our web. We are proud that growing number of participants who joined us at Agilia evenings in Prague, Brno and Bratislava occasionally exceeding 30 people.
Our web has exceeded 500 unique visitors per month. Well done! Thank you guys!
We have made key agile documents available in the Czech and Slovak language, thus standardizing vocabulary in both countries. We have invited few personalities from abroad to share their experience with us. We have organized conferences to promote agile awareness in the Central Europe. Your interest is what keeps us focused and moves us forward!
Our aim is:
- to popularize agile approaches for IT projects,
- to create platform for meeting agile professionals and fans to share and exchange experience,
- to promote agile and innovation techniques and principles for management of companies
- to promote entrepreneurship and help companies be more competitive through agile approaches.
We have achieved the level, where simple volunteerism is no longer sufficient. The preparation of single event requires several man days of work and involves many people.
We want to continue in our work but we would like to know your opinion how to go on and if it makes sense. Here are few questions to discuss:
– Why you are interested in agile approaches?
– What are you missing in our activities?
– Would you consider attendance of Agilia event if it is paid? What price is acceptable?
– Are you able to help us as a member of our team, our sponsor, Agilia brand promoter, event hosting company, presenter or in any other way?
Now we open discussion for these questions and we are looking forward to your ideas and suggestion.
Thank you for your contribution and thank you for being with us in Agile world!
Team of Agilia Czech and Slovak Republic
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