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Dne 1. 2. v 18:30 proběhne zářijové setkání agilní komunity Agília v Praze. Agília se bude tentokrát konat v prostorách IBM, která tuto akci zaštiťuje. IBM a zejména pak lidem, kteří tuto akci umožnili, patří vřelé díky. Přijďte tedy využít šanci poslechnout si připravené přednášky a podělit se o vaše zkušenosti s agilními metodikami s ostatními.
Presentation by : Scott Ambler, Chief Methodologist for Agile and Lean, IBM Rational , LinkedIn , Personal Website
Disciplined Agile Delivery: The Foundation for Scaling Agile
Many organizations have adopted, and then tailored, a combination of Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) as they’ve adopted agile strategies. But organizations successful adopting agile have found that this isn’t enough, that they also needed to adopt strategies for all aspects of the delivery lifecycle from start to finish.
Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) is a hybrid agile process framework which addresses the full agile delivery lifecycle in a governed and enterprise-aware manner. In addition to the leadership and requirements management strategies of Scrum, and the technical practices of XP, in this presentation you’ll learn how to successfully initiate an agile project, mitigate risk early in the agile lifecycle, how to weave governance into the lifecycle, and the issues which agile teams face transitioning their solutions into production.
Kapacita: 30 účastníků
Účast je bezplatná, prostory a občerstvení zajišťuje IBM - Děkujeme!
Prosím, dejte nám vědět svou účast na agilia@agilia.cz, na Facebook, LinkedIn nebo na srazy.info. Všichni jste srdečně zváni!
The agile community meeting will take place in Prague on February 1st at 6:30 PM. This time the Agilia meeting will be held at the premises of IBM, which sponsores the event. Warm thanks to IBM and the people behind it. Come and take the advantage of the chance to listen to prepared speaches and share your experience with agile methodologies with others.
Presentation by : Scott Ambler, Chief Methodologist for Agile and Lean, IBM Rational, LinkedIn , Personal Website
Location: IBM, V Parku 4 / 2294, Praha 4 - Chodov
Capacity: 30 attendees
Participation is free, the place and refreshments is provided by IBM - Thank you!
Please let us now if you come by sending email to agilia@agilia.cz, on Facebook, LinkedIn or srazy.info. Everybody is invited!
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