sobota 28. dubna 2012

Letter to Agile Community

“Hello Agile Fans!”

We would like to thank you for your interest and your participation in Agilia group events and visiting and reading our web. We are proud that growing number of participants who joined us at Agilia evenings in Prague, Brno and Bratislava occasionally exceeding 30 people.

čtvrtek 26. dubna 2012

Setkání Agilia Brno/Agilia Meet-up Brno

Dne 15.5. v 18:30 se koná další setkání Agilia v Brně, tentokrát v prostorách Jihomoravského inovačního centra ( Tématem bude tentokrát retrospektiva sprintu.

Setkání Agilia v Praze / Agilia Meet-up in Praha

Dne 16. 5. 2012 v 18:30 proběhne setkání Agília v Praze, v prostorách VŠE (Vysoká škola ekonomická). / The Agilia meeting will take place in Prague on May 16 at 6:30 PM at the premises of VSE (University of Economics).

(for English scroll down)

neděle 22. dubna 2012

Májová Agília v Bratislave / May's Agilia in Bratislava

Združene Agilia Česká a Slovenská republika Vás srdečne pozýva na další bratislavský seminár agilnej komunity v pondelok 14.5.2012

čtvrtek 19. dubna 2012

5 games you need to know before you start Scrum - Tasty Estimation

So, you’ve decided to start with Scrum. You’ve read a decent number of books and articles and you are pretty convinced that it’s gonna work. You have made the presentation to the developers and they nod their heads that "Yes, it may work, but …" They are simply not convinced. Maybe it is because they cannot imagine it because they have no experience with agile methods.